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Europe - Latin American & Caribbean RTI Networking & Matchmaking Platform
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Open until 31 December 2025

It's today! Join us for our online training workshop: Accessing the Bank and Private Investor System in EU and Latin America.

The event will take place at 16:00 CET and will be held online.

During the workshop, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Discover tools for accessing venture capital and business angel funding in Europe and Latin America
  • Identify ways to access innovation loan opportunities in Europe
  • Learn good practices for developing your pitch deck and presenting your idea
  • Understand how to negotiate with investors and write term sheets

We look forward to your participation in this interactive session, where you will gain practical knowledge to advance your access to funding. Register using the link below:

Register using the link : Here

Access the agenda: Here

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About the EU and Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) Innovation Cooperation

Cooperation between the European Union (EU) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) is guided by the ‘New Agenda for Relations between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean’[1] which emphasises the role of innovation for an equal partnership focusing on socio-economic development on both continents, seizing the potential of emerging green, blue, creative and digital economies.

In this context, the EU-LAC Innovation Cooperation initiative launched by the European Commission aims to strengthen the cooperation of EU and LAC innovation ecosystems through the engagement of start-up incubators and accelerators and other innovation ecosystem stakeholders, and to structure the EU’s engagement on innovation in the LAC region.

As part of the EU-LAC Innovation Cooperation initiative, a network of start-up incubators and accelerators in the EU and LAC is created. The network will help participants find reliable partners on the other continent, share knowledge and access new markets and technologies, collaborate on thematic challenges, promote staff and start-up exchanges, and tap into third party funding for further engagement.

In addition, EU-LAC Innovation Cooperation will launch joint initiatives with relevant EU and LAC start-up and innovation entities and strengthen the EU's presence in the region. Services and activities, developed with a long-term vision, such as advocacy visits, peer-to-peer learning, bootcamps and online trainings, specifically targeted at EU and LAC incubators and accelerators, among others, will support the objective of sustainably consolidating the innovation efforts of the EU and its Member States in Latin American and the Caribbean.

The EU-LAC Innovation Cooperation initiative is operated by the Global Service Facility in support of the Directorate-General Research and Innovation of the European Commission.

The initiative is embedded in a wider network of activities fostering EU-LAC cooperation, including Enrich in LAC (European Network of Research and Innovation Centres and Hubs), the EU-LAC Digital Accelerator (a platform connecting businesses and entrepreneurs across both regions) and the EU-LAC Global Gateway Investment Agenda detailing strategic priorities and powering fair, green and digital transitions. In the area of fostering the green transition, the European Institute of Technology’s Climate-Knowledge and Innovation Centre (EIT Climate-KIC) is another strategic partner for EU-LAC cooperation.

[1] https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_23_3045

What's in it for you?

  • Find new business contacts based on areas of activity
  • Find and advertise on the marketplace:
    - Offers and services
    - Opportunities for cooperation
    - Investors and investment opportunities
  • Profile transfer for matchmaking at flagship events
  • intelligent contact suggestions (coming soon)

How It Works? 

  1. Register and submit your own profile.
    In your profile you can describe what kind of technology/product/expertise you are offering, what kind of cooperation you are looking for and which ideas you would like to discuss with potential collaboration partners.
  2. Receive the access data, complete your organization and your personal profile
    The better the quality of your profile the more meeting requests you will receive.
    Your business proposal is your business card, therefore spend some minutes to create a high quality and meaningful profile.
  3. Find relevant profiles and marketplace offers
  4. Connect via messaging and virtual 1: 1 meetings in video calls


    The channels "Participants" and "Marketplace" can be used for partner search. In these two channels your profile and request will be published. It is also an excellent opportunity to spread your expertise and innovations abroad.

    Supported by
    Brazil 210
    Türkiye 129
    Spain 107
    Germany 107
    Italy 55
    Portugal 46
    Argentina 45
    Dominican Republic 40
    Colombia 39
    Peru 38
    Ecuador 27
    Uruguay 27
    Poland 26
    Austria 23
    Costa Rica 17
    Bolivia 14
    Chile 12
    France 11
    United Kingdom 10
    Greece 7
    Netherlands 7
    Mexico 7
    Panama 7
    Guatemala 6
    Sweden 5
    Belgium 5
    Nicaragua 5
    Hungary 4
    Honduras 4
    Paraguay 4
    Finland 4
    Venezuela 3
    Ireland 3
    Trinidad And Tobago 3
    Ukraine 3
    Romania 3
    United States 3
    India 2
    El Salvador 2
    Lithuania 2
    Switzerland 2
    Israel 2
    Slovenia 2
    Bulgaria 2
    Luxembourg 1
    Jamaica 1
    Namibia 1
    Malta 1
    South Korea 1
    Cuba 1
    Norway 1
    Barbados 1
    Total 1088
    University 489
    R&D Institution 224
    Other 97
    SME 78
    Start-up 61
    Authority/Government 51
    Association/Agency 49
    Industry 39
    Total 1088
    Profile views
    Total 14368